Research Assistant Work at the Social Body Lab


E-Textile Swatch Exchange, 2020

The Social Body Lab participated in the 2020 E-Textile Swatch Exchange by making 20~ felted game controllers (which were inspired by our fifth game controller workshop with DMG). 

For full documentation, please see the swatch exchange post

E-Textiles Game Controllers with DMG

Throughout the years 2018-2020, Social Body Lab partnered with Dames Making Games and game:play Lab to facilitate five e-textile oriented workshops that relate to game based interactions. 

I assisted in developing and facilitating:

Workshop #3: Wearable Game Controllers

Workshop #4: Stitch and Stuff 

Workshop #5: Fun with Felting

The workshops culminated in a Game Jam that combined all of their skills together.

Video Tutorials

To help participants with the remote game jam, I created and developed tutorials to support their game controller development.

Using Format