Haptic Vest
August 2022 - Project from the "Analog to Digital" Residency at the Estonian Academy of Art (EKA)
Sensing Digital & Analog Together
The goal of the residency was to explore how do we sense digital and analog technologies?
I wanted to explore e-textiles through the sense of touch. Often I explore inputs, but this time I wanted to explore ways to incorporate tactile outputs.
The vest has 4 vibration motors added into the inner seem of the lining that oscillate up and down at the BPM of a heart.
Residency participant wearing the Haptic Vest and feeling the oscillating vibration along the inside of the vest.
1) Vacuum forming textiles
One of the samples that I saw in the materials department at EKA was of vacuum formed fabric. I knew I wanted to explore using that as a part of residency since it was a skill I had never used before.
2) Utility vests
I also wanted to create a utility vest, based off of Engineered Garments half vest. Many e-textile projects "look" like an e-textile project (i.e. work that is bulky to hold components, LEDs flashing random patterns, etc.) I wanted to explore how a utility vest could be use in e-textiles as a basis for interaction and holding components.
3) Inputs vs Outputs
I wanted to explore using outputs that I infrequently use. I chose to use vibration motors to place them around chest of the wearer since the half-vest is meant to be snugly fit to the torso.
Initial notes about how I could incorporate the design elements of the Engineered Garments half-vest (pictured above) into e-textile interactios.
Prototyping process
1) Create a "half-vest" pattern
2) Testing out vacuum formed fabric
3) Designing the circuit
I first cut out the pattern pieces out of the formed fabric and then drew out the potential circuit connections digitally.
4) Adding components
1) I sewed the connections using conductive thread in the bobbin.
2) I soldered snaps onto the vibration motors to create for a more durable "hard to soft" connection
5) Troubleshooting the work
The conductive thread used was older and caused some issues with the connections. I used a multimeter to check the continuity.
Final result
Next Steps
1) Creating inputs that are sturdy and relate to the output
2) Modifying the code to be more accurate to a heart beat.